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When you conduct your inspection of the rental unit to determine whether you want to rent, make sure that everything is clean and in working order.
If there is something that does not meet your criteria then discuss it with the landlord and ask if the landlord is willing to rectify the problem.
The problem should be fixed prior to move in and/or a reasonable explanation in writing from the landlord as to why it isn't. 
If your landlord agrees to rectify the problem but has not yet started before you move in, make sure to take pictures and get a document with signature that the landlord has agreed to fix the issue(s). If the problem is not rectified you will have documentation proving that the landlord responsibilities have not been fulfilled and that you as the tenant where not responsible for causing the issue(s) in the first instance. This is especially important if the issue is a safety or health one that might cause you to end up breaking the lease.
Did the landlord seem to be mindful of your request(s) during the inspection? Was the hallway, exterior of the building and the parking lot clean? Did it appear as though general maintenance was being conducted on a regular basis? Is this a place that meets your criteria and will you be able to make it your home?


  1. If your landlord agrees to rectify the problem but has not yet started before you move in, make sure to take pictures and get a document with signature that the landlord has agreed to fix the issue....................

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